Friday, April 14, 2006

Thursday April 13, 2006

Today was cool but sunny and involved a 48 mile ride east of Nova Gorica toward Viapva in search of new scenery and the elusive locally-produced drink called Vinac which is made in the same manner as Cognac. Sadly, I never found the Vinac but the ride was well worth the energy I expended.

From the Branica river valley I turned south and headed up a long climb to the picturesque town of Stanjel. I recovered from the long climb in the courtyard of the Stanjel castle built in the 16th century. In case that isn’t old enough , a guidebook pointed out the current castle was built on the foundation of the original medieval castle. All I know is that looked really, really old and was a heckuva climb. Nearby was is the church of St. Daniel (named after the martyr) which would be worth revisiting without being forced to clatter around in biking cleats.

Looking down into the valley where the road would take me next were orchards of pink cherry blossoms and tiny towns with red tile roofs and castles of their own. The trees are just beginning to leaf out and everywhere is the brilliant green of spring.

After a fast downhill I arrived in the town of Vipava. The winery there is huge and is attached to a very classy restaurant. I was amazed to see a Rotary International plaque designating this as the meeting place of the local Rotary club. Too bad I didn’t have their meeting information because it would be fun to “crash” a rotary meeting in bike clothes.

The winery didn’t sell any wine, but I found a tourist office in town with two women who spoke English. They told me to go to the next town and find the store that sells fruit juice (at least that’s what I think they were trying to tell me) in the difficult-to-pronounce town of Ajdovŝĉina. Sadly, it was not that easy and I sailed through town without scoring the vinac or lunch. Missing lunch would prove to be a big mistake for me.

About 10 miles later I took a hard climb up to the tiny town of Kriz for lunch, which didn’t pay off because the only restaurant in town was closed. Starving, I sat on the side of the road and proceeded to eat all the food I brought, digging desperately into my saddle bag for anything I could find that resembled food. I drank all the energy drinks I had and was still hungry. The 15 miles home was a struggle but I knew I could make it okay. A rainstorm made the roads messy but not wet enough to be dangerous or soak through my clothes. Note to self -- bring extra food!

The post-ride meals are the best and tonight was a real treat for me… tofu! Yup, even in Slovenia there are people like me. In case you ever come here, you can find tofu in the grocery store right next to the kielbasa.

Friday April 14, 2006

Today is the best weather of the trip by far. Perfectly clear skies and no hint of rain. The ride today was short – only 25 miles – but it climbed out of the Soca river valley for 1,000 vertical feet. I am tired today and felt slow, sluggish and draggy. It happens I guess. Tomorrow and Sunday I’ll rest and recover by going to the Saturday outdoor market in Gorizia, Italy. Maybe I’ll find something good to eat (ha, ha).


Blogger Jane said...

Anxiously waiting to hear more...It all sounds wonderful Janet!!

8:36 AM  

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